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Tag: Startups

How does 3D printing help startups realize trailblazing projects?

“I have an idea for a device that will revolutionize industry X, but I don’t have the budget to produce…

What do startups and R&D departments gain by using 3D printing?

The progress of 3D printing in recent years has significantly increased the range of potential applications of this technology. Advanced…

Coffee Machine Filter Cleaning Device for QuinSpin

Throughout history, inventors have devised ingenious device concepts that couldn’t be realized in their eras. QuinSpin might have faced a…

Lower Limb Prosthetic Sockets for Proteo

The world of manufacturing has witnessed a transformative evolution with the advent of 3D printing technology. It’s not just about…

Support for Prototyping and Parts Production for Innovation AG

Our collaboration with Innovation AG is a perfect example of utilizing advanced additive technologies in both the prototyping and parts…

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