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How HP Multi Jet Fusion Technology Works?

Zasada działania technologii HP Multi Jet Fusion Chociaż HP Multi Jet Fusion można nazwać drukiem 3D, technologia ta znacznie różni się od tego najbardziej rozpowszechnionej metody druku 3D – Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). Kiedy w 2016 pierwsze drukarki MJF pojawiły się na rynku, szybko stało się jasne, że zakres wykorzystania druku 3D wzrośnia diametralnie. W […]

How does local manufacturing revolutionize innovative product implementation?

Local manufacturing can hardly be called an innovative solution. You could even say that it is, in a sense, a return to the roots of production, when small and medium-sized companies supported each other to implement new tech. But now this approach takes on a new meaning. Companies are increasingly choosing local production because this […]

What do you need to know about partnering with Cubic Inch?

In many companies, additive technology is becoming the default solution for producing various parts and housings. Using 3D printing, companies shorten delivery times, secure the supply chain, reduce costs, and even increase product quality and streamline processes. If you are wondering what is involved in implementing 3D printing in your company, this article will help […]

Project requirements for a quick quote

Requirements for customers regarding the project sent for printing To receive a quick quote from us for printing parts, you can send your design and the number of parts you need. It’s that simple.  Then, the project goes to our 3D printing experts, who determine whether it can be immediately sent to production or whether […]

FDM and MJF – which technology to choose?

Wiele zastosowań druku 3D HP MJF vs FDM

FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) is the most common 3D printing technology. These filament-based devices can already be found in almost every modern R&D department in the world.    However, in terms of precision and quality of manufactured parts, this is a very imperfect technology. Moreover, due to low production capacity, these printers are only used […]

How does 3D printing change the work of machine and device designers?

The emergence of 3D printers has forever revolutionized the process of creating electronic devices, machines, and even advanced tools and vehicles. In just a few years, small printers based on FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) technology have secured their positions in the workshops of virtually every R&D team in the world.    For a decade, ongoing […]

How does 3D printing change the hardware implementation process?

jak druk 3d wspiera proces wdrażania hardware

For about a decade, 3D printing has been a completely standard element of the device implementation process. Desktop 3D printers based on FDM technology can be found in virtually every R&D department, not to mention hobby home studios.    Using modern printers, designers, and inventors can easily produce prototypes of housings and other elements on […]

Formatting part for rotating corks on the production line for Avon

As 3D printing specialists, we are well aware of the potential benefits that this technology can bring to production. However, there are situations when even we are amazed at the significant difference this solution can make. The project for Avon’s factory is precisely such a case.

What are the most common reasons why our clients need 3D printing?

Although the range of applications for 3D printing is very broad, and we regularly receive requests to create completely innovative designs, this is usually not the case.  Most clients contact us with very similar needs, and we are 100% prepared for them. We know the challenges perfectly, have ready answers, and have a well-designed process […]

The role of 3D printing in lean manufacturing

Agile manufacturing, from the English language “lean manufacturing”, is a method of managing production processes that focuses on eliminating losses and optimizing processes. A key aspect of agile manufacturing is maximum inventory reduction and downtime. In its ideal form, this method maximizes production using 100% of resources. This is one of the important methodologies from […]